Tradicionalmente han sido varios los lugares más emblemáticos de cada población, aquellos a los que los vecinos acudían para reunirse, charlar, intercambiar opiniones, tomar decisiones o simplemente pasar un buen rato. Fuentes y lavaderos públicos han sido desde antaño lugares de encuentro, fuertemente vinculados al agua y la imperiosa necesidad de disponer de este bien tan preciado en nuestra tierra. En Ardisa, mis vecinos iban a lavar su ropa al río Gállego, en su trayecto de descenso hasta encontrarse con el Ebro. Servía de punto de encuentro para todas las mujeres que bajaban a sus orillas a hacer la colada, sin embargo, a partir de 1934, dispusieron de unas nuevas instalaciones que les permitía lavar su ropa de una forma mucho más cómoda. Así, fui construido para mejorar la calidad del trabajo realizado por mis vecinas y facilitar este duro trabajo. Hace poco fui restaurado y recuperado, quedando incluido en un excepcional complejo de deporte y ocio. Ahora, no estoy en funcionamiento, pero se ha mantenido viva mi memoria con las jornadas de recuperación de la colada tradicional que se llevaron a cabo en mis instalaciones, gracias a la “Ruta de Oficios y Tradiciones de la Comarca”. Es ésta una interesante propuesta de la Comarca de las Cinco Villas con la que se intenta mantener viva en sus municipios la tradición, ligada al patrimonio material o inmaterial de la zona, haciendo que tanto los vecinos como los visitantes vivan y sientan la cultura de una forma única.
Traditionally, there has always been several symbolic places in each town, those where residents used to go to meet, chat, exchange ideas, make decisions or simply have a good time. Fountains and public washing places used to be meeting places in the past, with a strong relationship with water and an underlying need to have this valuable element as part of our land. In Ardisa, my residents would go to the Gállego River to wash their clothes, at the part that it crosses with the Ebro. It was a meeting point for the women who went down to its banks to do their laundry. However, after 1934, they had new facilities that allowed them to wash their clothes in much more comfort. But I was originally built to improve and facilitate the hard work done by my town’s women. I have recently been restored and recovered, and am now part of an exceptional sports and recreation complex. I am no longer in operation, but my memory has been kept alive with the historical re-enactment days showing the traditional laundry that was done at my facilities thanks to the “Ruta de Oficios y Tradiciones de la Comarca”. This is a great initiative from the Cinco Villas region in an attempt to keep alive the local traditions related to the area’s material and immaterial heritage, allowing for both residents and visitors to live and feel this culture in a truly unique way.Traditionally, there has always been several symbolic places in each town, those where residents used to go to meet, chat, exchange ideas, make decisions or simply have a good time. Fountains and public washing places used to be meeting places in the past, with a strong relationship with water and an underlying need to have this valuable element as part of our land. In Ardisa, my residents would go to the Gállego River to wash their clothes, at the part that it crosses with the Ebro. It was a meeting point for the women who went down to its banks to do their laundry. However, after 1934, they had new facilities that allowed them to wash their clothes in much more comfort. But I was originally built to improve and facilitate the hard work done by my town’s women. I have recently been restored and recovered, and am now part of an exceptional sports and recreation complex. I am no longer in operation, but my memory has been kept alive with the historical re-enactment days showing the traditional laundry that was done at my facilities thanks to the “Ruta de Oficios y Tradiciones de la Comarca”. This is a great initiative from the Cinco Villas region in an attempt to keep alive the local traditions related to the area’s material and immaterial heritage, allowing for both residents and visitors to live and feel this culture in a truly unique way.
Traditionnellement, chaque village comptait différents lieux emblématiques où les habitants se rendaient pour se réunir, discuter, échanger des opinions, prendre des décisions ou simplement passer le temps. Les fontaines et les lavoirs publics sont depuis longtemps des lieux de rencontre, fortement liés à l’eau et à l’urgente nécessité de disposer de ce bien précieux sur notre territoire. À Ardisa, mes voisins allaient autrefois laver leur linge dans le fleuve Gállego, qui s’écoule jusqu’à son embouchure avec l’Èbre. À partir de 1934, ils disposèrent de nouvelles installations leur permettant de laver leur linge de manière beaucoup plus pratique. Ainsi, je fus construit pour améliorer et faciliter le travail difficile des habitants. J’ai récemment été restauré, et je suis à présent inclus dans un exceptionnel complexe de sports et loisirs. Aujourd’hui, je ne travaille plus, mais ma mémoire est entretenue grâce aux journées de la lessive traditionnelle qui se sont tenues dans mes installations, dans le cadre de la Route des Métiers et Traditions de la comarque des Cinco Villas. À travers cette proposition intéressante, la comarque entend faire vivre les traditions liées au patrimoine matériel ou immatériel de chaque commune, en invitant les habitants et les visiteurs à s’imprégner de la culture locale et à la ressentir d’une manière unique.
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